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Russia CU-TR certification information

Russia CU-TR certification information

Russia CU-TR certification information

  • Categories:Russia and CIS
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  • Time of issue:2020-02-18 12:27
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(Summary description)

Russia CU-TR certification information

(Summary description)

  • Categories:Russia and CIS
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  • Time of issue:2020-02-18 12:27
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Introduction of CU-TR Customs Union


      Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan have unified tariffs to form the Customs Union (CU), which is marked with EAC and also called CU-TR certification.


In 1995, Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan signed a customs union, and based on this agreement, the Eurasian Economic Community (ЕврАзЭС) was established.


In 2007, Putin stated at the CIS-Jiangsu-Eurasian Economic Community Leadership Summit that Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan will establish a customs union (Таможенныйсоюз) within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Community and implement unified customs supervision.


In 2010, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and the three countries signed the Customs Law, which came into effect.


In 2013, the customs began to implement the Union CU-TR certification.


GOST certificates obtained before March 15, 2015 will be replaced by the Customs Union CU-TR.


(Except for voluntary GOST-R certification products, special Russian department licenses, such as medical device registration certificates, measurement certificates, high-voltage electrical appliances (DC 15000V or higher, AC 1000V or higher), communications, and telecommunication product network access licenses)




Certified logo






Sample certificate:


1. CU-TR Certificate of Customs Union






2. CU-TR declaration of customs union certificate




The validity period of the certificate is divided into:


• Single batch certificate


• 1 year certificate


• 3-year certificate


• 5-year certificate




Customs Union CU-TR certification and evidence collection process:


1. Make a quotation based on the product information and confirm the type of application certificate


2. The two parties signed the contract


3. The contract takes effect, we arrange for the engineer to contact to fill in the application form


4. Assist in preparing required technical documents and inform export precautions


(Some products will be notified in advance if they involve product testing or factory audits)


5. Submit the application for institutional review


6. Draft issued, customer confirmed


7. Confirm that there is no problem and issue a certificate


8. Sending Certificates and Invoices




Enterprises need to submit documents to apply for a certificate:

1. Application form (we provide)

2. Business license

3. ISO9001 system certificate (if any)

4. Product instruction manual, drawings, photos, parameters

5. Product test report, factory internal or third-party test report

6. Customs code of the product

If there is something unclear, we will have an engineer's guidance and provide sample references.





CU-TR contains a very wide range of products. The directives that have taken effect are as follows:


       1. Машины и оборудование. Machinery

2. Низковольтное оборудование. Low-voltage equipment

3. Высоковольтное оборудование. High-voltage equipment

4. Аппараты, работающие на газообразном топливе. Equipment for gas combustion

5. Оборудование, работающее под избыточным давлением. Pressure equipment

6. Сосуды, работающие под давлением.

7. Оборудование для работы во взрывоопасных средах. Operating the product in an explosive environment

8. Аттракционы, о борудование детских игровых площадок. Playground equipment

9. Л и фты. Elevators, lifts

10. Колесные транспортные средства. Wheeled vehicles

11. Тракторы. Tractor machinery and spare parts

12. Сельскохозяйственная техника. Agricultural machinery

13. Машины для лесного хозяйства. Forestry machinery

14. Шины. Buses and spare parts

15. Подвижной состав железнодорожного транспорта, в т.ч. высокоскоростной. Railway vehicles

16. Подвижной состав метрополитена. Metro vehicles

17. Легкий рель совый транспорт, трамваи. Tram

18. Об ъекты морского транспорта. Ship

19. Объекты внутреннего водного транспорта. Inland water transportation

20. Маломерные суда. Yacht

21. З дания и сооружения. Building

22. Строительные материалы и изделия. Building materials and products

23. Инфраструктура железнодорожного транспорта, в т.ч. высокоскоростного. Basic measures for railway transportation

24. Инфраструктура метрополитена. Underground infrastructure

25. Автомобильные дороги. Road vehicles and spare parts

26. Пиротехнические составы и содержащие их изделия. Fireworks

27. Взрывчатые вещества гражданского применения и содержащие их изделия. Civil explosives

28. Продукция легкой промышленности (готовые штучные изделия, ковры и ковровые изделия, изделия трикотажные, швейные и ко жгалантерейные; обувь; меха и меховые изделия) light industrial products.

29. Игрушки. Toys

30. Товары для детей и подростков. Products for teenagers

31. Изделия для ухода за детьми. Skincare for children

32. Посуда. Tableware and kitchenware

33. Изделия санитарно-гигиенического назначения. Bathroom products

34. Парфюмерно-косметическая продукция. Cosmetics

35. Средства гигиены полости рта. Oral hygiene products

36. Тара и упаковка. Containers and packaging

37. Средства индивидуальной защиты. Personal protective equipment

38. Средства обеспечения пожарной безопасности. Fire safety

39. Средства пожаротушения. Fire

40. Медицинские изделия. Medical products

41. Изделия санитарно-технические. Bathroom products

42. Мебельная продукция. Furniture products

43. Химическая продукция. Chemical products

44. Синтетические моющие средства. Synthetic detergent

45. Товары бытовой химии. Household products

46. ​​Л акокрасочные материалы и растворители. Paint solvents

47. У добрения. Fertilizer

48. Средства защиты растений. Plant protection products

49. Б ензины, дизельное и судовое топливо, топливо для реактивных

двигателей и топочный мазут. Gasoline, diesel

50. Альтернативные виды топлива. Alternative fuels

51. Смазочные материалы, масла и специальные жидкости. Lubricants, grease special fluids

52. Приборы и системы учета воды, газа, тепловой энергии, электрической

энергии. Water, gas, heat, power equipment and systems energy

53. Приборы и системы учета нефти, продуктов ее переработки. Oil product equipment and systems

54. Пищевая продукция. Food

55. Алкогольная продукция. Alcoholic drinks

56. Корма и кормовые добавки. Feed

57. З ерно. Grain

58. Табачная продукция. Tobacco products

59. Оружие охотничье и спортивное, боеприпасы к нему. Hunting and sports equipment

60. Средства электросвязи. Telecommunication facilities

61. Уголь и продукты его переработки.coal




If you want to know more about the customs union certification, please contact our staff.

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